Ny stad..

Flyttade till en ny stad den 2 september...

En stad som jag knappt vet nånting om och har inte varit där mer än en gång förut. Och då var det inte ens inne i staden.

Jag har kikat runt lite och försökt hitta massa viktiga butiker/ärenden osv.
Går sakta men har hittat en del.

Har suttit på internet och letat skolor..
Ska ringa en på måndag som jag tyckte såg bra ut och dom hade bra program.
Fast för min del blir det bara att plugga upp betygen och sedan ta komvux när jag fyllt 20.

Det är lite rörigt med allting..

Speciellt jobbigt när jag saknar min pojkvän så mycket att jag glömmer av vad jag ska göra.
Har viktiga saker att fixa men jag glömmer av det för varje dag som går..
Så får försöka ta tag i allting på måndag.

Älskar dig Nuno<3

Nuno Arcanjo<3

can't stop think
can't stop cry
can't stop missing you

i need you
i need to hear your voice
i need your hug and kisses

this nightmares
i be crazy..
every night it is a nightmare..

Worse and worse..
i dream that you never come to me..
you find a new girl and be happy with her..

You just forget me and leave me alone..
Give me my old life back and just don't care about me
you promise to come but you never came..

this dreams..
i cry every night
i wake up crying and shaking..
my body is lost, my minds is just empty..

My head can't think..
just cry..

i go to bed on the evening..
hug my pillow and thinking that is you..
the bed is empty..
and im crying until i fall asleep..

wake up almost every hour and cry.
im missing you so much..
and everyday be harder and harder without you.

i just want to start walk to france and take your hand and never let you go.
i need to be with you every second of my life.
I had time with you..
and i need more time..
No, i don't need time..
I need the life with you.
Chare my life with you forever..

Baby, please... this nightmares...
please don't ever say that you can't come..
cause if you say that you can't come...
my life stop.
It stops and can't start again..

i will be so sad that i will die..
i can't live without my life!
You keep me alive!
You make me strong!
you make me feel loved!
You make my life to a beautiful dream.
You give me the energy to keep going.
I can for once, Show my feelings.

I Love you with all my heart and will always do!
Come to me soon. I need you in my life.

Love you more and more

Nuno Arcanjo in my heart <3

don't forget! You make me survive! You make me strong and i will wait for you everyday!!<3

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